aa some updates


sos for not posting i just i dont have ideas for shitposts even lmao uh, they made a vaccine but they might not give it to us or theyll charge us moneys either way they fixed it sorta, maybe um,, im tired and i wanna sleep?? gosh i forgot what interests people i havent talked to anyone who isnt my family (irl) since saturday im kinda out of it honestly, being at home so much is exausting my teachers havent given me online work yet so thats nice uh yeah april fools is canceled this year guys, cuz no prank could possibly beat the massive clusterfuck thats going on right now

  • Published March 19, 2020, 10:53
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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guys, this is serious.
theres a certain person
something bigs comin
wowee hi guys!