i did a good thing


warining : gruesome and gory content ahead so we were driving home and there was just this chicken standing still on the side of our driveway. my mom told me to get the chicken in the car and i did, but it smelled like death. i realized its side was like,,torn out? maggots crawling and dried blood, and a chunk of the wing was missing. my mom told me to put it back so i protested, and now we have a broken chicken. im going to the vet with it some day next week. i named her edgehill, because i found her on edgehill way. original, right. but anyway i just wanted to do a lil drawing for her. im hoping she'll get better once we bring her in uwu.

  • Published August 26, 2019, 16:15
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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