>><< On fire >><<


Carolina https://pl.pinterest.com/fmleczkojad/carolina/ and Tango https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/1bc99x >><<.The sky was completely clear, as the summer was coming to it's end. The air was still, but pleasantly chilled. Tango was on fire. I loved him at his best show condition - the fittest he's been through the year. He would also really feel himself - I knew as soon as he lifted off, like if he never planned to land. God damn the life i have outside of horses. >><< Hi guys. Back after the concussion after falling of a spooked horse. For the past two weeks i've been sick with bronchitis and i've gone half-deaf in my left ear (hoping to get it resolved and hear fully soon) I forced myself to go on an english contest (as my second language) the day after i suddenly gone half-deaf and i just cried, honestly. Idek guys. Doing my best rly. i want to sleep so bad. I have a chemistry test in two days. The suffering of a biochem major

  • Published October 23, 2023, 06:34
  • in Still Waters
  • in Colored stuff
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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