another recent list of embarassment


• We went with my dad to the market after the riding lesson and I was really tired so i accidentaly fucking threw some bananas into a random grandma's cart • my mom got drunk and i had to laugh off and redirect her conversation about me being "homo or bi" and just imagine me sitting here with her going in a drunk wobbly monotone voice "a może ty jesteś bi? hahah, raz chłopczyk, raz dziewczynka?" (or maybe you're bi? One time a guy, second a girl?) it makes more sense in polish ig • a girl i had- have a crush on has really friendzoned me but i- it's okay. She joked around with one of our friends that we were together but it was an obvious joke, also started joking about it today around the friend she kinda lied to. guess i'm staying SINGLEEE lmao • i tried to like cook/fry those vegetables for the pan and i heated the oil too much and i put all those v e g e t a l s onto the boiling hot oil and the oil fucking splattered everywhere and i dropped the damn half of the package's contents (frozen v e g e t a l s) onto the floor dAMMIT • I went to an abandoned building with my cru- friend, we went there before a lot and that day we just wanted to write some stupid stuff on the walls with a marker but THERE WAS A HOMELESS MAN SLEEPING ON AN OLD RANDOM MATRESS HJFSSDKJSDL I JUST WHISPERED TO HER AND TURNED MY HEAD TO THE SLEEPING MAN AND WE QUIETLY WENT THE FUCK OUT OF THERE

  • Published July 10, 2019, 19:24
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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