holy shit im back after much suffering of school, gonna have to drop outta this, im so sorry :( cant get on discord either, gotta get a new computer, my school computer is my only useable computer right now and it has discord blocked. cant use discord on phone either till im 18 *dontworryonyonemoreyear* because my parent blocked it lmfao.. anynways, it was fun at first being able to be in but yeah, gonna have to get out of it because i wont have time for it. im very sorry.
@bunnirot one thing i did wanna say is with the whole goatling, if that doesnt work he can just be a merling with a goat appearance (it doesnt matter either way cause i dont have anything to play mc on)
@bunnirot probably- i cannot actually play mc but i was talking to frail and looking at the generic vs the non-generic and a merling/goatling just sounded cute and stupid funny
@bunnirot you obviously do or you wouldnt be responding, and the fact that you are or arent disabled plays no part in the fact that this was about grammar instead of spelling errors so why dont you think before you speak next time
@bunnirot dont come at me talking about one spelling mistake i made when the whole conversation is about grammar not spelling mistakes, get schooled nerd
coming back to this after 2 years is probably the most random thing I've done.AngelYcat
I wonder if I can still join. If so, definitely feline, if not, no worries!Star_The_Meergon
What is this because I am interested in what ever this is♠Memənt0-Möri
holy shit im back after much suffering of school, gonna have to drop outta this, im so sorry :(cant get on discord either, gotta get a new computer, my school computer is my only useable computer right now and it has discord blocked. cant use discord on phone either till im 18 *dontworryonyonemoreyear* because my parent blocked it lmfao.. anynways, it was fun at first being able to be in but yeah, gonna have to get out of it because i wont have time for it. im very sorry.
@bunnirot one thing i did wanna say is with the whole goatling, if that doesnt work he can just be a merling with a goat appearance (it doesnt matter either way cause i dont have anything to play mc on).•Chaos•.
@bunnirot btw if you wish to see him I have drawings of him.•Chaos•.
@bunnirot probably- i cannot actually play mc but i was talking to frail and looking at the generic vs the non-generic and a merling/goatling just sounded cute and stupid funnybunnirot
@wolf10133 we have a merling !! but maybe there is a goatling addon mod??.•Chaos•.
@bunnirot hello hai i have joined the server- is there still an opening for a Merling?(i was toying around and came up with an idea of a merling/goatling mix so hes just a- water goat)
@♠Memənt0-Möri can u guy add me ?? ill add u to the server lol[ leiyre ]#7895
@bunnirot OMFG OK-chicken finger.
@♠Memənt0-Möri GIMME UR DISC STINKERRR@🖊FunnyComix🎨 idk if that will work :(( we dont rlly want repeats
I would like to be part shulk, it'll fit the sona I have♠Memənt0-Möri
@bunnirot yes i dooo~also YAYGY
@♠Memənt0-Möri SURE.BRO!!! DO U HAV DISCORD♠Memənt0-Möri
aye yo, ima ask now,, if im able to join this, can i take up the second avian spot? if so..... THANKYOUSOMCH🖊FunnyComix🎨
I want to join so bad but im not allowed to play MinecraftMonocoven
Could I perhaps be an arachnid 😳👉👈_J_M_
i'm going to be a phantom :)Dominator_virus
Can I be a zombie pigman? or even better, a piglin? id love to be a piglin.Frail
May I possibly join?_J_M_
@Hoodie dunnoJoeyTheDestroyer
@bunnirot good job im so proud :Dbunnirot
@JoeyTheDestroyer ok kiddo :)JoeyTheDestroyer
@bunnirot you obviously do or you wouldnt be responding, and the fact that you are or arent disabled plays no part in the fact that this was about grammar instead of spelling errors so why dont you think before you speak next timebunnirot
@JoeyTheDestroyer dude i literally dont care plus I'm disabled LMAOKDSFMJoeyTheDestroyer
@bunnirot dont come at me talking about one spelling mistake i made when the whole conversation is about grammar not spelling mistakes, get schooled nerdmilkmonto
@bunnirot REAL!!!!bunnirot