Eñe was frozen. She had no idea what to say, but fear was creeping from her mind into her heart. She didn't know what to feel, this was her enemy, her rival, the only person in the world she hated most. And here he was, holding her in a way that made her want to stay there forever and snap his neck at the same time. She felt the dread, the uneasiness, the confusion turn into fear every time it pinged in her mind. Pangs of fear started to work its way into her mind, and before she could stop herself, before she could reign in control of these feelings, she was gone.
Fusion was winning. He could feel Eñe's body in his hands, and see the confusion in her eyes. She wanted this as much as he did, but unlike him, she loved another. He had only married the now queen Cybil for money and land. She had done the same. It had been a mutual agreement between the two. She shifted, and he brought his mind back to look at her. The next thing he saw was red. He was thrown to the floor, by something that should not be this powerful. He felt his head throb, and saw that it had hit one of the abandoned desks behind him. He looked up, vision already blurring, to see a monster. His eyes widened. Even after all the times he angered her, or made her scared, she had never revealed her sixth sense to him. He pulled himself back, but hit the legs of the desk. He had done research on the sixth sense, (He had too if he was going to experiment with it.) And he knew she was in an uncontrollable rage of emotions. He knew if he tried to stand up she would pounce, and he'd be gone. If he tried to run, dead. There was nothing he could do but try to bring her back. Fusion eased a hand slowly to the back of his head, to stop the blood and ease his aching vision. Eñe was just standing there. Her eyes had grown wide and dilated, and her hands twitched. She breathed heavily, the power taking over her body was a lot of energy wasted. Fusion suddenly heard a loud noise, like flesh being ripped off bone. Eñe screeched, as two more spider legs rose from behind her, and spouted spikes out of them. The ones she already had whirred, as spikes came out of them as well. She breathed heavier now, fingers going back and forth as if snapping the neck of something. Fusion felt the blood coming from his head stop, and he placed his hand back down in his lap slowly. He watched her for a while, slowly waiting for her time limit to run out.
@crazytalk i have no idea how to give coin eithe @XEclipse i do need to chill i just freak out when i experience emotions such as guiltXEclipse
Like crazy said just chill for a sec ur gonna get kion soon but clayton is busy so he might not be able to give u koin yetsatansassgremlin
@crazytalk ok well anything helps i guesssatansassgremlin
@crazytalk ooh thank you!!!!satansassgremlin