

She's old enough, around 10 years old. She doesn't wag her tail anymore and struggles to breath. She barely eats now. She has cancer, and even though she had a surgery a few months ago and she took medication, it was too late when we took her to the vet. The cancer had already spread to her lungs, even if it was just a small amount. There's nothing to do that can save her anymore and it's on my hands to let her go. I won't let her die, not yet, at least. She still can run around the house and the yard, and bark to the dogs in the streets, she still can have some fun and hasn't given up yet. I'll allow her to have fun on her last weeks and I promise to be by her side whenever I can. It hurts me when she stares at me. She has heterochromia, I always thought her eyes were beautiful. Like a moon and a sun. And then she puts her head against me, with her fur brushing my clothes. She has a brown and hazel fur, in some parts white, and all of this fits her so well. She's the sweetest dog I've ever encountered. She has never biten or barked at anyone under any circunstance. She's always happy or tries to, and loves being around people. That's why her name is Star. She shines like no other. But she's starting to let die that brightness she has always had.

  • Published July 21, 2024, 12:05
  • in The Swamp
  • Hidden from users
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