i do not understand why, whenever i seem to be invited to a semi-large party (in a game), i am almost always shunted aside. just a few moments ago, i was told to leave and that the party cannot focus on me all the time. i was trying really hard to get someone's attention! it is NOT like i did not try! i do not know what i am doing wrong. i do not know why i keep getting invited to parties in which i am ignored. second time this week that it has happened. i guess,, i am not trendy or hip enough, my fellow kids. i do not get the 'Obama' jokes they spouted about. i just felt like an awkward third wheel dragged in for sheer numbers.
i got told to leave because i couldn't handle it. ugh. eugh. nastyyyy icky!! i honestly question whether i should delete them from my friend's list on that game. i believe i just friended those people because they were friends of some person i had just met. no one is usually on when i am on, either. eugh. nastyyyy.
surface pleasentness does not mean much of nothing, i suppose.