~``~``-\o. (---Poem)


What does it mean to be lost out here, what does it mean to not let things go? Hold my hand, let us go figure out. Just remember to please let it go. On the horizon of a new day, watching the sky bleed from the small sun. Come walk with me, susurration be damned. Let us find the moss on old trees. i know you're scared, i am too, y'know. Lost in the woods, no one else around. Just me in you on spongy moss, here. Just like a sixteenth note, it'll be fast. Want to play by four, or spice things up? Play by two eight time in the starlight..? Lie next to me, please not to me here. Watch the stars and father moon up high. A sharp or A flat, just A minor? Play the basic key, B flat major? No, i think you're B natural minor. Special to me an uncommon, here.

  • Published February 01, 2020, 08:34
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Poetrie
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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