Story Time- Fantasy AU

By Hoodie

if anyone is uncomfortable/doesnt agree with my idea, let me know and i can remove it or alter it the way you want- i dont mind <3 (This is from my character’s POV by the way, so this lore is mostly from my headcanon view. The other characters got their own lore.) Tw// mention of knives, death My character, known for now as f!hoodie (unknown if it will change/when) was born in a middle rank family, midst a small civil war between villages. From young age, they learn to fight skillfully, although not often let out by parents in fear of them getting hurt. Unfortunately, their parents do die by the time f!hoodie is around 8-9. During that time, the opposing side has already won and had been ruling for a good amount of time. Their parents died to disobeying the system in a cruel way, so they “deserved it”. Their father was a skilled alchemist, and their mother a very stealthy spy for years before and after the war. When parents die, they run away from their village, rummaging any different mixtures in their fathers lab and weapons in their mothers collection. From a young age, they found they worked best with knives, daggers, and small sharp objects. When they run away, they find a sanctuary in a small overgrown deserted temple. They settle there, and renovate the place to their liking (aka move shrubs around). They slowly settle in this safe haven and go out only for food and materials for alchemy. They experiment with their different mixtures, very scrappy attempts. Many items are retrieved from assasinating people, because they do not know how to steal or interact with people in such a way ( being grown in a war yk yk ) and once decides to attempt at throwing a poisonous deadly mixture at someone. That is f!vud. F!Vud gets hit, and instead of dying, gets turned into a cat. f!hoodie is not sure of what to do, so they let the creature into their care. They slowly take a liking to this creature. When they realize f!vud can turn back to human (shapeshifting, werewolf esque) they become friends, very slowly but surely. They both settle fine on their own, being accomplices, and get a pretty infamous reputation in a town ( not main ). Some people walk to the known place of where people tend to be disappearing, and asking for people to kill. At first, f!hoodie does not oblige, assassinating them on the spot. But after a while, they decide to slowly walk towards the town more often while out foraging. They take notice of how nice it seems, and stops by often to watch it. There, they start getting more reputation, getting visited at night, asking for a job. f!hoodie slowly starts doing buisness for this town, as well as many others. Many villages and towns start speaking of a rumor of a merciless villain in the night assassinating. They get pretty popular. f!vud occasionally assists, but mostly just chills in the temple. In one town, f!hoodie starts getting multiple requests, all for the same two people; a black haired woman who always seems ominous and mysterious, and is seen around sightings of death-f!sam. The second, a woman with gorgeous black hair and beautiful music, but bad reputation and annoyance to many people, rumoring to hypnotize others with her songs- f!june. F!hoodie shows indifference to all subjects of their hunt, but these two change their outlook. They decide to visit the town more often, and slowly get to know the two more. They eventually decide to be friends with them (*cough* eventually spouses) and also often bring their accomplice, f!vud. They all become friends. f!frisk also tends to be a thorn in all of their sides, consistently attacking them and attempting to steal things from them, but f!hoodie takes no attitude from him and always stops him, never killing him though.( i think of f!frisk as a team rocket type villain LMAo) But uhh,,,, yeah thats kinda all i got- sorry its a lot to read- uh- i kinda got into it. (Read first comment)

  • Published May 25, 2022, 00:29
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in sketches
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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