how old is my oldest character?


i would have to say,, it would be one of my 'olde' gods. they are older than this very universe, *keks* ancient old crusty boys. we have Billworth Cipherous, a god of orgonized chaos. ask him where any given seed will fall, and he will know, down to the very atoms. he is,, well, just over twenty four billion years old. if you think your issue means a lot to him, you are probably mistaken. he is old, and sees most people as petulant children, because well. they are. how and why did i make him this old? for fun. he just sighs, and kicks back. if you wanna know more about these mysterious gods i have under my belt, feel free to ask.

  • Published July 08, 2020, 15:46
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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