

Maggie is just completely confused and only remembers up till Moyasu wanted to tell her something yet she doesn't remember what it was and jsut remembers them leaving and as well as the fact that her and Emily were out together for a year but she doesn't remember why away from Fredrick cuz she doesn't remember the bad stuff with him and then she sees his burned face and actually fixes it, completely confused on why he was like that and a;lsdjfa;sldjf she has a scar on her bellly which she has no idea why she has it (cuz i mean he stabbed her stomach and while healing, her body just decided to stitch it cuz it could only heal so much) and al;sdjfalsjdfal;sdjfsjdf she doesn't know why the hell she has a friggin scar but F r e d r i c k would know as well as to why she has blood stains on her clothes and a few other stitches on her legs that are a bit under her flowers that he R I P P E D off her body i know i should have like an rp stuff folder but i'm too lazy to make one lol

  • Published October 23, 2020, 19:51
  • in Still Waters
  • in 1. Good Art
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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