literally aksdnskdjfn idek if i can call it abuse ??????????? its definitely something ,, but idk what. maybe im overreacting. she limits everything i can eat and i literally ate one thing of pudding,,, like those tiny pudding cup things??? and now she wont let me drive to school??? shes making me walk there and its like 90 smth degrees outside???? and i hate anything above 70,,,, idk what her problem is. she thinks im so helpless because i never ask for anything,,, but when i do she yells at me and says all i ever do is take and take and im selfish and im making her depressed. bro shes literally why i sleep all the time and would rather pass out in 90 degree weather on the side of the road than be home lol.
she makes me cry. like i wish she loved me. and she can turn it on and off in a split second. she literally told me that i should have asked for more driving practice this weekend and i was like "you literally yelled at me and said i couldnt drive to school" and she was like "yeah but you should always try to be ahead" like maam i dont even need driving practice??? i drive fine?? and i have a permit??? idk what her problem is. she never lets me go fucking anywhere and then complains i never leave the house??? like ur keeping me from talking to my friends. "Why dont u ever invite ur friends over or go out??" YOU TOOK ALL MY ELECTRONICS AND WONT LET ME LEAVE THE HOUSE???? YOU THINK I WANNA BE AROUND YOUR OLD, WRINKLY ASS?? NO???? I HATE YOU???? God damnit.
im so fucking tired, man. i sleep too much, she yells at me. i sleep too little, she yells at me. i go out, she yells at me. i dont go out, she yells at me. i eat, she yells at me. i dont eat, she yells at me. i just wanna catch a goddamn break.
shes leaving for like a week and im so excited i could cry. she wont be here nagging me and breathing down my goddamn neck and yelling at me and i can actually eat something??? i might even talk my dad into letting me drive now that she wont be here lol !!!!!!!
dude im exhausted and all i wanna do is sleep and get high and drunk and just ,,,,, leave. i dont wanna be here anymore, man. i wanna move out so fucking bad. shes been nagging me about getting a job but i can barely fucking do school shit but i also want a job for drugs and so i can fucking get out of here and like buy myself food and hygiene shit bc she yells at me every time i ask for anything lol. then she makes fun of me bc i smell bad or look ugly or something like she isnt the one that wont let me take care of myself or the reason im too depressed to do anything. skldfkjsdnkjgnkjdsg im so fucking tired and mad.
@PhinSilver .w.PhinSilver
@gullyf im biromantic and acegullyf
Yay!!! pride! pan & ace my dudes