im literally so mad i wrote her entire lore thing but it was too long and then wouldnt let me scroll back up to save it im going to cry
abriged version ; a plague went through the country "Red Curse" where your lungs fill up with blood and you vomit it and become pale and then die. its like the victorian tuberculosis. there is no cure, it just eventually died down. 130 or so years ago, the von boucherons were a beloved family and ruled over veonia, until they were struck by the red curse and died. they were buried near their estate. no one was appointed lord/lady of veonia since the family was so beloved.
one day, 130 or so years after her death, beatrice clawed her way out of her grave. she was scared and confused and dug up her family, only to find them having become skeletons. traumatized, she goes to her estate only to find it in shambles. she goes to the village, incredibly weak, and passes out in a tavern. the townspeople take her to an apothecary and the healer there tries his best to heal her, but nothings working. then he, a fellow vampire, realizes her condition and gives her his own blood before she dies (again). this bonds them, not in a romantic way, but a vampire way. they have linked minds and can tell faintly what the other feels emotionally and physically, and can also faintly tell each others thoughts, though its more of an idea than directly talking to each other. they become best friends. bea goes to the capital and explains her story to the royal family and they accept her and tell her she can rule veonia if no one finds out what she is cause it could hurt their reputation, since vampires are pretty hated. she goes back and gets her manor rebuilt but the people dont like her since they loved the von boucherons and shes just some new heiress. she feels alienated and alone and is still dealing with her familys death and a whole new world, 130 years in the future. and shes scared of what shes become.