Update: Audio is Available!


Hey Everyone! Drawny got all dressed up to let you guys know that audio is finally available to the Drawn Community! If you've got the Koin (currently 1000 Koin) you can enable audio for your animation and upload an MP3 (only MP3 is supported) file. The timeline will draw a green bar along the top to indicate the length of the audio with respect to the timeline. If you decide you don't want audio for your animation, before you publish it you can remove the audio and you'll get a full refund of your Koin. There's no file size limit but the smaller the MP3 file the better for the community (and the site!). If you're looking to create snippets from MP3 files like I do, then I highly recommend Audacity https://www.audacityteam.org/ . It's open source, free, and cross-platform. As you navigate along the timeline you'll hear a snippet of the audio at that point, allowing you to more easily sync up lips like I did with Drawny here. Hopefully everything is straightforward but if you have any questions or problems PM me (don't publish if there are problems, contact me first). It's a new feature that hasn't been out in the wild yet so I'm anticipating weird bugs that I haven't encountered yet. I also know the audio works fine in FireFox and Chrome in Windows 10 but that's all I really have to test with right now. If you don't have the Koin to enable audio yet, keep creating popular animations and saving up your earnings. If you can't wait that long, the next few updates should include a way for you to purchase Koin with real-world currency (and help support the site). Now go forth and create amazing things! As usual. #updates #audio #drawn

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