Editor/Player Updates


My Fellow Drawnicans, I have some new updates for you, most of which are probably not that interesting. The big one is an update to the zoom feature in Drawn. Originally zoom was using raster scaling (despite the editor being a vector editor) which caused a lot of artifacting when you zoomed in a lot. Well it ticked me off enough that I broke zoom for most of the day while trying to improve it and I finally succeeded. You should now be able to zoom in and see perfect, crisp artwork at any level of zoom. The next one relates to brush sizes. I have now made the pencil and eraser brushes keep track of their own brush sizes so you when you flip between the two the brush size automatically changes to the one for the tool. Personally, I'm finding it a bit annoying, so if other people do, too, maybe I'll make it an option you can turn on/off. I've also fixed a few issues related to masking. Before if your mask had any transparency in it, that transparency would translate onto the layer being masked. That didn't work well for this animation, where the moving magnifying glass is also the mask for the magified version of my face. I've changed it now where the mask is simply applied as a solid black mask to the masked layer (regardless of colouring/transparency), which resolved that issue (probably no one but me was having it). The magnifying glass in this animation is an example of a grouped drawing where its position is being automatically tweened by Drawn (I know, grouped drawings are so poorly explained). So if there were any issues using a grouped drawing as a mask I've likely resolved them, too. I'll make this animation continuable so you can see how I did it. Feel free to ask any questions. As usual, new updates brings new bugs, so if you see something, say something...come on and party tonight. (bonus empty Internet points if you get that reference) Enjoy! ClaytonR #drawn #updates #zoom #masks #masking

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