Hey, I just wanted to remind u ALL


Please, eat something, if you haven't already. It's really good for you and your body. Eat healthy, You're beautiful, and I can assure that. Hydrate. Please, just try to. I'll be happy if you do hydrate enough. Get a glass of water nOW. Get enough sleep. Really, it's super important. I'm not the best example of this, but I'm gonna get some sleep now. Get as much as you can, between 6-10 hours is about the amount of sleep I'd like to see you stay in, if you can. And if you can't, I truly hope things will get better sometime. Get some fresh air sometimes. Like, even just go take out garbage or something, go for a walk. It's good to take in some outside air, it might be good for your mentality to take a little walk out. Regulate your body temperature. If you're cold, take a blanket. Keep hold on your health. if you're feeling some symptopms, check it out. You're not even close to worthless. Life is hard, but you only have one life in an eternity, so please take care of yourself the best you can do. I really want to see you alive. You. The person reading this. I know I'm just behind a screen, but I truly care about you, bitch. You can get through all the worst shit in your life, I know. It's all going to be okay someday, if it isn't today. I know it might be hard sometimes, but appreciate things. they may be gone by tommorow. Also, trying just new things and making new routines may be something to keep you occupied. once I grew attached to a fucking trash on a pavement on the way to my school, and as it was gone, i did feel a little bit sad, but I knew that it gave me a bit of happiness. And I do truly want you to go on with your life, for adventures and to find happiness. It is somewhere waiting for you. I promise. I just don't know how far away. But maybe it's just trying to knock on the door, with it's little broken fingers *also i just wanted to mention - happiness isn't something that just comes and stays forever one day. it'll come and go. It's a temporary state. And it's okay if you feel like you will never feel happiness again, as much as it is okay to have happiness as a default state of mind. but just remember that both of those are just states, and it'll change someday. you'll get better.

  • Published February 01, 2019, 18:23
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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