Right, so anyways: drawn's broken, so posting this wip (fixed it because it had an extra slide).
You can embed your animation right in your website! Just copy the code below and paste it where you want the animation to appear:
H e h . . . T h a t s c o n v e n i e n t . . . s h e (or he) l o o k s l i k e m e . . . m e n t a l l y .satansassgremlin
@XEclipse lolTheMemeist
@XEclipse But then i would just gave away koins too so really i would still be brokeXEclipse
If there was a donation function do u have any idea how rich u would be right now??TheMemeist
@BuffedDoggo!! iuhrfudskuni @ClaytonR we need a donation function!!!TheMemeist
@WolfHats going sicko modeBuffedDoggo!!
i want to donATE YOU 1000 koINSKailey_Kat
that's a beautiful friend u got theresatansassgremlin
oh ok what is your friend doing?