My friend...

By Frost

has literally planned our life... to visit each other, go to the same college... and then what? Live together??? Oh and be each others best man? Maybe even become each others legal brothers? I mean... like... 👉👈 .... I feel wanted, er, like I'm more enjoyable than I've ever felt- what is happening??? Ahhhhh I mean.. it's great to finally know that out of all the other people who said they'd wanna meet me.. he's actually sane, and understanding and whatnot... -shudders- I hate the others who said "Gosh, I really wanna meet you irl~" like no bish... you psycho >:L. This guy doe.. he's hella worthy of being my buddy hehe...

  • Published July 22, 2020, 14:47
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Random - 20
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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