terraria. We beat the wall of flesh. And yes, we built a bridge out of snow, in hell. And yes, it was as precarious as the image makes it out to be. and yes, I am the Bride from hell.
@roselilies we then immediately did the thing that all dumb friends do when given the chance, and rushed in unprepared and tried to fight the destroyer on the roof of our house
@animationate14 switchanimationate
what do you play on_J_M_
@roselilies we lost that battle, but it wasn't too bad, as the roof is pretty safe.roselilies
@_J_M_ y'all are mad lads, i applaud you_J_M_
@roselilies we then immediately did the thing that all dumb friends do when given the chance, and rushed in unprepared and tried to fight the destroyer on the roof of our houseroselilies
@_J_M_ damn lmao_J_M_
@roselilies We did it during a blood moon, so when we got back home it was just an onslaught of new monstersroselilies
ah yes, classic wall of flesh