Planet Earth (Audio warning)


I don't really like this animation if im gonna be honest with you... but I just wanted to get this done and over with since I already put a lot of time into it.... this animation isn't really true to Selena's physical look and backstory anymore but again, i just wanted to get this done. So basically in this anim, she basically destroys her entire planet, killing everyone, and at the end she sees her brother that she hasn't seen since she was like 6, and then he dies right in front of her then the other guy is named Damien, from the comic Hooky, who also dies in front of her... he was one of her best friends that betrayed her and caused her to wipe out her world... so yea but this isn't her backstory anymore so lets just say its a dream she had or something XD also Selena now would do anything to cover up her big scar on her face but i didn't want to go through the animation and reanimate that so oh well :,) It also seemed like it sped up a little bit and isn't really insync with the music anymore... but i tried fixing it but that only made it worse so this is what we get :,) Basically a year in the making ... which means that this isnt really my art style anymore and she kinda has a megamind syndrome throughout the animation XDD but its fineeeeee.....and its finally done.... thanks for reading :D

  • Published April 16, 2021, 09:55
  • in Open Ocean
  • in album Featured
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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