due to the lost of instagram's close friends stories you will all be hearing about my problems for the next however long it takes for me to get my phone back /hj
nywasy im very sad i do not have my phone bc i now get goodnight texts and i cannot get a goodnight text now and also i am very sad and want to say a lot of thigns and vetn to people but i cannot bc all the cool gay people are on my phone
o l dPop
Happy belated day of birthStarMoonlight
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAYjust one more year until A L C O H O L
@ClaytonR I may love God, but the dark dance must be preserved.Awkward__Artist
@animationate Happy birthday even though it's now the next day!ilyas
happy birthday, lolololololololololiababa
ayooooo happy birthday :-)animationate
it's my birthday today tooClaytonR
@Awkward__Artist Ah yes, before the pastor could exercise the demon. Good call. 😋Awkward__Artist
I swear this is not how my animation abilities changed since starting college. I wanted to get this out before church.Awkward__Artist
@ClaytonR Thank you and advice taken.ClaytonR
Also happy birthday!ClaytonR
How is this not continuable? 😋Awkward__Artist
Made in 17 minutes babyyyy.