this is really long so skip to the bottom if you dont want the nitty gritty of it all <33
Beepis,,, isn't really a human aight lets get that straight. Beepis is more or less the 'demon' possessing the vessel of this dude (ill get a name later hhnghgn) who was the OverRuler's adoptive son (again, im changing the overrulers role in the stoyr as well. he'll get a name later). Anyways,, backstory to Vessel Dude (VD). VD was born in Canada and sent to the orphanage at a hella young age, like 3 or something. That being said, he doesn't really know his parents,, but he made the most of being there, trying his best to make friends and make a family out of what he had. Enter OverRuler. He ends up adopting VD around age 7 and takes him back to his home somewhere in Quebec probably. VD goes to school and he isn't exactly,, shunned he just comes off kinda creepy when he tries to make friends and he also doesn't know much about it so it takes him a bit to get used to that. OverRuler makes sure to be an attentive dad and does his best to give VD a great childhood, full of good and memorable experiences. But woa!! plottwist! !! OverRuler boi has been studying demons or whatever with a few others in secret for like,, years! ! crayz right??/ anyways, VD doesn't know about this at all and the OverRuler hasn't really told him about it because it was just like,, a side thing. Long story short, when VD was about 22 or so and going to college for computer science n stuff, OverRuler and his gang of GhostBusters came into possession of a demon thing. The demon thing is just,, kinda like a soulish thing... no gender, just,, smoke ig. Anyways they get the demon thing and contain it and VD ends up finding the secret lab or somthing on accident and hes just lookin around then he finds the capsule n stuff all ulocked and stuff for some reason (the OverRuler was prolly just going to the bathroom orsmthn stupid) and he ends up legit picking it up and out of the containment thing and looking at it then BOOM STARTLED THEN DROPS WOA DEMON COMES OUT AND THEN GETS IN VD WHHAAT. theres a whole thing he has a seizure and his eyes are like lowkey glowing red and then,, he ends up dying since he couldnt handle the sudden entrance of the demon and like,, the OverRuler was there and hes like completely broken no shit his son just died. They don't know what to do but they see that the demon isn't really doing anything in VD so they decide to have funeral but while they are like,, putting his body away in like a freezer in the secret basement lab BOOM HE ESCAPES HES NOT THERE WHERE TF HE GO TF?????// Everyone is like panicking no shit and VD becomes fully possessed by Beepis and Beepis legit has powers fully unlocked n powerful cause he doesn't have to work WITH the vessel's mind since the vessel is legit dead. He's prolly like Bruno in pt 5 where he legit has no pulse or whatever its really creepy n stuff.
ANYWAYS-- More later on this ill make a pt 2 and prolly another post entirely to explain the whole power thing <33
tl;dr Beepis is the demon possessing the OverRuler's only adoptive son after he got wrangled in the secret demon studies of the OverRuler.
yesssss its one of these!FreezingFlames
hmm maybe laterHoodie