

I'm so sorry for not posting for so long, guys ;w;
I was really busy this week, and by busy, I mean literally going places left and right everyday! Anyways my parents moved the kittens and Cookie into the house :> so now Cookie just roams around which I've never had that opportunity when I was little, so I'm really excited! Also, some exciting news! I'm working on an animatic with a new oc ship with Twixy! So that will be posted on Flipanim, but I'm planning on posting 2 other animatics on Drawn to make up for going so long ;w;. Anyways, I'll draw the new oc seperatly soon, so look out for all of that!

Comments 4

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also my birthday party is this saturday are you excited riley UwU @BLUBERRYSANS2


aaa, glad ur back!! thx for the kittens update lol <3


same home dawg