Pure Imagination


This is a semi-project on some kind-of fan art towards a song called "Pure Imagination", but the actual art in general is completely original EXCEPT for Willy Wonka's outfit on Twix. Yea. I actually had a tough time with finding the main focus point to the drawing because ,as you saw, I drew a rainbow, then Twix, but I didn't really feel that it was going well so I decided to add creativity to it! ;)

I'm super sorry for the wait! I've mentioned this project in one of my drawings(I think lol). It's not because of the project, though, but because of the time spent, and the fact that I went the long way with this. Let's just say I got the layers confused a few times lol. But it's all good! Anyways, I was so busy with school work and art stoof that I'm finally in my Thanksgiving break. Well, I've been on my break, but it's called a break for a reason ;). Anyways, I hope to continue drawing here and on Flipanim!

And shoutout to BLUBERRYSANS for shouting me out on her a main page! ;) She's my irl frand and is the best :3 Her Drawn account is BLUBERRYSANS(if you wanna check her out), and her Flipanim accoung is BLUBERRYSANS2(if you also wanna check that out lol).

Hope you guys like the drawing I really like how it turned out. ;w;

  • Published Published November 20, 2018, 10:18
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Big/Semi-Projects
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 3

You gotta have an account (and be logged in) to add comments. I know: bummer, right?


Oof i would but I’m so busy qmq


Flappy flapflap


nicee lmao