I wanna start a comic book--- a graphic novel. Something like Gloomverse. I want to make people feel things, like sadness, happiness, even anger. I dunno. I just feel scared. Like, if I start one, will it just die like all my other projects? Even Misplaced died. Yeah, I'm kinda discontinuing it. Also, I'm worried I won't have any time for a comic. I already take too long on homework, a-and I'm just super stressed. I don't let my stress show most of the time, and I kinda just shove it aside. I don't know what to do.. I just really, REALLY wanna start a comic. And finish it. But I can't help but worry about all that stuff. I think I just need a push, a kinda motivational push. Maybe. I'm thinking about just putting my old characters from Misplaced into a new comic, cuz I don't like Misplaced's story anymore. Please halp. I feel like I can't do this alone for some reason
btw I really love Gloomverse, and I wanna make something that affects people the way it does.
I think all I need is a pep talk oof
I think one of my problems is starting a comic--- like, thinking of the story and stuff. After that fiasco, then there's the huge problem of keeping it going. Look at Drawntale--- it was supposed to start last year in like October and now here I am, not even done planning out the scenes. (I really need to get that going, now that I'm thinking about it..)
tht was the worst grade i have ever gotten ever and i feel so ashamed of myself but there's nothing i can do now :/♡al♡
i had a F in language arts for 3rd marking period bc i am so sad all the time i just can't bring myself to do anything but cry and make art