rant/vent thing.


so..uh....where to start? a1right, so i want to get some things off mie chest. mie,, uh,, sort of things that i think about a 1ot. one of mie biggest fantasies isn't anything verie graphic or anything,, or,, i don't think it is. my fantasie is,,, to be ab1e to snugg1e up with someone i rea11ie care about,, without it fee1ing wrong and iccie and b.s. because i have issues with touch for whatever reason. i just,, rea11ie wanna be ab1e to be comfortab1e snugg1ing is what i mean. or,, to maybe be ab1e to tru1ie accept me for me? nah. the cudd1ing stuff. yeah. a1so, i want to rea11ie be ab1e to,, accept that. i know i am at 1east a 7/10 on the dork sca1e. i get f1ustered in fuccing c1othing is1es or just,, seeing mod1es modd1ing c1othing. yeah. and especia11ie during anie sort of smooching scenes or anything more than that. most of anie sort of,, intamate disp1ays of affection. sort of how i was raised, i suppose. i know this is mushie as a11 hecc, yeah, i get that, i just rea11ie needed to saie this. that i who1e hearted1ie want a nice re1ationship one daie, with,, a prettie gor1 i 1ike a 1ot who does the same. a 1ot of peop1e want a nice re1ationship, too. i know it's a rea11ie norma1 thing to want. i just,, want to be comfortab1e with who i am more. and stop second-guessing myse1f so much.

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