u h

By Naniac

im really really trying to get 1k on youtube currently i have 677 subscribers from the looks of it and i need h e l p im trying to post as much content as possible plus people have been saying that if you want to livestream on you're phone,, you have to at least have 1k subscribers thats one of the reasons i wanna reach to that point im not sure if its true but it probably is i wanna livestream since its sorta a school thing?? i have a ICT class and we were sorta doing video stuff and i could show them how i make my videos by livestreaming?? and then showing them how i edit to edit the livestream???? im not sure,, i just dislike recording for some reason just uh if you can help in any way on getting me to reach that point please do i will like thank you so fucking much like oh my god so uh heres my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKrJqYmvMNQAJqjxJVTNxNw?view_as=subscriber you can go ahead and share it around i guess anything helps hopefully im not showing this as a big deal because it kinda isnt but eh i just really wanna livestream on my phone and show people how i animate ykno

  • Published April 17, 2019, 09:51
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Other Stuff
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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gm and i have a idea