By Naniac

Commissions are currently OPEN BUT ONLY FOR OUT OF DRAWN ART IMPORTANT! You have to pay first, I will enable marketplace things on this so your able to pay :D and what this means is like, what thing you choose ill change it from here and tell you also please specify what kinda bg you want and what your character will be doing, send your characters ref too please! and make sure your seeing this page kinda often, ill be updating it pretty frequently! WHAT THESE MEAN: QUEUED: on the list! DONE: means I'm done with the commission ONGOING: I'm working on the commission PAUSE: pausing the commission / Not working on it AT THIS TIME NOT PAID YET: has not been paid by the commissioner CANCELLED: The commission has been canceled cuz like, I wanna get the color change thing so uhm IN-DRAWN COMMISSIONS for a swag sketch w coloring is 30 koin full colors/lined is 100 koin fully colored and lined + shading is 300 koin simple animation (no shading) is 600 koin OUT-OF-DRAWN COMMISSIONS Fully colored (+ shading): 800 Koin Simple animation (no shading): 1000 Koin all these will have backgrounds, you can recommend me poses you want with your character(s) and the background PEOPLE WHO COMMISSIONED: DONE @//Plush - 30 Koin - Swag Sketch (IN-DRAWN) DONE @//satansassgremblin - 300 Koin - Full color + shading (IN-DRAWN) DONE @//TheMaineAnimator - 30 Koin - Swag Sketch (IN-DRAWN) DONE @//Nightblade - 600 koin - Simple animation (IN-DRAWN) DONE @//chiro 30 koin - Swag Sketch (IN-DRAWN) DONE @//bionicle.exe 300 koin - Full color + shading (IN-DRAWN) CANCELLED @//♠Memənt0-Möri 300 koin - Full color + shading (IN-DRAWN) PAUSED @//ArtsyAddie 300 Koin - Full color + shading (OUT-OF-DRAWN) QUEUED @//wolf10133 300 Koin - Full color + shading (IN-DRAWN) QUEUED @//Star_The_Meergon 800 Koin - Full Color + Shading (OUT-OF-DRAWN)

  • Published August 17, 2021, 07:44
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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