Giallo Pique Headshot


Designing a series - for now, just want to test designs. A series set in Hell - because what isn't these days - following this and (hopefully) 2 more main characters. This version of Hell is more peaceful surprisingly - more like living in a shitty neighbourhood. Many souls doomed to eternity end up either evaporating or surviving as a demon. After years of suffering and evil, most souls get tired so form societies and cities. Don't get them wrong - the people aren't that good and not everything is hunky dory, but it'll do. This is Giallo as she appears when the story will start - she's a rather tall, somewhat classy demon. The kind of demon that, when out in public, tends to dress for the weather and for practicality, rather than to show off. Always smiles when seen around town, attempting to keep any questions people may have about her to a minimum. In reality, she tends to be apathetic and weary of the other denizens of Hell, even the one's that are actively trying to now be good. She does believe demons can improve and be good, but doesn't hold much faith for any of them. As long as her own interests are safe, she tends to not act - her main aim is to continue living as comfortably as she can until she either fades away or finds some other purpose. Due to events that will be made clear in another post - her hair has been dyed blue and she's been even more self isolating as of late. Might update later - this is kind of a stream of consciousness thing right now but I'm happy with her so far.

  • Published February 19, 2020, 23:50
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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