Random story


When I was younger I had a lot of nosebleeds(and I mean a lot a lot),so one day i wake up and the side of my face is caked in blood and I look over and my pillow is also caked in blood(a bit on my blanket too)
I originally thought I threw up in my sleep and got my mom and told her but we realized it was blood and figured it was from a bloody nose
Still have no clue why I had a nose bleed in my sleep and I also had realized that day just how much blood can come from a single nose bleed(I have another bad nose bleed story if anyone wants to hear about it)
Srry for the completely random drawing and story after complete radio silence I’ll explain in comments

  • Published Published February 26, 2021, 22:44
  • Location in The Swamp
  • Album in album Featured
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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