welcm to m tedtalk.


so like honestly i was gonna try to apply for mod like a while ago but im too polite to ask for dat shit :pensive: i only rlly bring the topic up since i see so many people thinking abt being mod and im just kinda:

if im gonna be honest i got ups and downs to like my entire outlook. I think the positives on me for being drawn mod is that im a pretty reasonable and logical person ig?? i mean im not biased like at all if you're my friend and you're cuttin up and breaking rules im gonna give you. penalty time like :/ no duh. also im pretty sure between all the active users i've been here the longest so i know a lot of the site's ups and downs. also saying no is easy for me :histeria: i aint even feel bad if i gotta tell somebody no. also im: active everyday. i just ghost a lot and keep to myself

downfall: anger issues. i mean like my anger isnt hard to suppress i just. idk. also i cuss a lot which i've been trying to manage badly cause its a huge issue for me but :')

in conclusion: mod would be cool because between drawing there's not a whole lot else for me to do on this site other than talk and make shitposts. but at the same time i feel like i aint even deserve it

there is my 2 cents on the matter

  • Published Published May 23, 2019, 17:19
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 3

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or is everyone giving him fanart


is there a contest or somthing about him