why is this over 100 frames


this took so long to make and it lasts like what 30 seconds anyways here's the art https://cdn.pixilart.com/photos/large/dfe7edef5532e87.jpg i just doodled that on roblox i do not kid you and i barely even play roblox so like :D i think its ironic tho that the first thing i play when i get on is that one drawing game and please don't mind my noob skin i don't have bobux I'm poor ok whatever I'm still cool and as for the project, i still have no idea what i am doing you know i think i might just cancel it I'm thinking of like splitting all the donation earnings evenly with all those who applied so its fair, and none of it goes to waste because idk how to use it at this point what are yalls thoughts? nmsbdh ok have a nice day https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRj-tSFraYJyULafQ5U9X8r2lo7uCpws2zmfMEIcHt6HRxZGbPZyn2QBNssgb1qSbY1IuQ&usqp=CAU

  • Published August 07, 2021, 00:28
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in my shiz
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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hi there!!!