wow i really just realized how much i hate the word sorry. every time i hear the word sorry it almost seem condescending or false, and most times it is. don't avoid using sorry around me, as sorry is a common word people say. just understand if you fucked up, don't say sorry to me. i want you to say sorry with your actions not your words, okay? i want to say this again cause it feels like a plague on my heart. i don't mean to be malicious. a lot of the time i will stick to what i have said, when i have to be, i am very cold. and honestly i don't like that. i am not sorry for my words, i'm sorry for the way i said it. this is the last time i'm going to apologize for this. and bruiser, no hard feeling man. don't stick onto this past focus on the future. i wish you the best. and to everyone else, have a good day guys, you all deserve it.