Another lil comic


Yes I was always here lurking in the shadows, just not actively posting much, though i'll make an effort to do so in d futureeeeeee. BUT having said that i'm glad to be back drawing on here for a lil, and I got to draw ma babiesssss Dexter and Masonnnnn god I missed these 2 (especially Dexter cuz yeah)
**Drawing explanation**
Alrighty, so u guys no Dexter is a pretty screwed up individual yeah?? Like its really bad and I'm starting to question how I came up with such a messed up being, but he's hot so hes automatically forgiven. Anywhoooooo Mason had no choice to kill Dexter, cuz he wanted to seriously harm Xavi. Fun fact ab the MGA species is that they can only kill if they broke their moral horn (left) if its intact they cant kill anything, so in order to protect Xavi, Mason would have to give up his "Morals" so I can basically kill his brother. So now after Mason killed Dexter, he's haunted by visions of him and is constantly reminding him that evil never really dies, it just takes a new form, that new form being mason.

  • Published Published July 06, 2020, 12:15
  • Location in Still Waters
  • Album in Comic drawings ;)
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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