

**Warning cringy ass story ahead**

Nemesis was a beautiful God among the Greek Gods. She fell in love with the titan God of Time, Kronos. Both were infatuated with each other, unable to be separated. They had been in love for 500 wonderful years. One beautiful day, Nemisis went to the great Golden garden, where all flowers and plant life are made of Gold. She took grass blades and weaved a necklace of gold for her love. Proud of her work and eager to give Kronos, she returned to Olympus. Having trouble finding him, she eventually runs into him at the river of youth. However she saw with him another Goddess, Tyche, the god of great fortune and fate. Tears in Nemesis's eyes she ran away from them both. She ran till she reached the very edge of Olympus, and collapsed crying. "Kronos, i gave you everything i had and more. And in return i receive betrayal. UNJUSTLY!" Her voice echoing through out the sky. Overcome with a feeling of jealousy and revenge, she starts to laugh manically as a spark of insanity was ignited inside her. Filled with rage, she crushed the golden necklace and created a golden spear. Nemesis was now on the hunt for the one who stole her love away from her. She arrives at Tyche's home, where she slept soundly. Walking up to her bed, Nemesis holds the spear above her sleeping body. Coming to Tyche's aid Zeus destroys the golden spear with a single lightning bolt. Zeus stands before Nemesis and tells her, "I thought I taught you what Justice is and how to use it, now tell me how is murder justice in your eyes?"
Nemesis replies, "Tyche stole the one thing i held dearest in this cruel world, so i must take something in return"
Tears in Zeus's eyes he tells her, "Your mind is corrupted by revenge and greed, AND FOR THAT I CURSE YOU AND CAST YOU OUT OF OLYMPUS FOREVER DOOMED TO LIVE IN THE UNDERWORLD!" and with that he cursed her, imprinting the 6 Earth Apocalypses on her arms. Nemesis laughs and says, "Mark my words Zeus, I will return to Olympus and when I do I will bring hellfire and havoc YOUR KINGDOM WILL CRUMBLE AND FALL BEFORE ME AS I UNLEASH THE 6 APOCALYPSES YOU CURSED ME WITH!" with her final words Zeus casts her out to live in the underworld. Her thunderous and haunting laugh fading away as Zeus forever fears the day she will return and eradicate the kingdom of the Gods.

  • Published Published February 18, 2019, 10:48
  • Location in Still Waters
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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