trypanophobia is the fear of needles or medical needles or injections. Ofc Xavi has traumatic experiences involving needles and im also really afraid of them so much so that its actually a phobia of mine. I remember when they were doing hepatitis injections in elementary school they had to hold me down and inject me cuz i was so afraid. And then i actually fainted one time cuz they were gonna take blood from me haha im not sure if that is what u would consider a extreme phobia lmao and i remember these bastard nurses would always tell me "its just a little pinch dear" yeahh forcably injecting metal into my arm and taking fluids is just a PINCH
this be for @BLUEBERRYSANS contest hope ya like it ;))))))))
@Stanced winrar
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@GreenHoodiedAnimator omakes sense
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@GreenHoodiedAnimator whats a .winrarGreenHoodiedAnimator
naw that's bionicle.winrarSimblime
oo epicGreenHoodiedAnimator
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@GreenHoodiedAnimator aGreenHoodiedAnimator
rip i gotta go to bed plus im literally dying of thirstGreenHoodiedAnimator
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@GreenHoodiedAnimator im reelGreenHoodiedAnimator
@Bionicle.exe huh?GreenHoodiedAnimator
@chipz 4Bionicle.exe
@GreenHoodiedAnimator I FOUND YOUGreenHoodiedAnimator
the fakerchipz
@Bionicle.exe 3Bionicle.exe
@Blatzz 2?Blatzz