your dad laughs at you for crying-


-over your's and your mom's dead dog and calls you a crybaby and says "you're being too sensitive! what was the damn dog doing in the road anyway?!" and then you sit there in your room and sob until you fall asleep, then your step-mom wakes you up to eat, and SHE actually cares, so you are happy she's in your life and then she tells your father to apologize to you for being insensitive but he doesnt so you sit there, eat like none of your dinner cuz you dont eat anyway, and just go back to your room and sob and sob while wishing you could hug your dead dog one more time and at least say goodbye, and then you fall asleep sobbing, then you wake up in the morning to get ready for school, but since you have fucking depression it takes a bit for you to get up and get into the shower, and then you start crying in the shower, and when you get out you realize you were in there for 45+ minutes, and you forgot to wake up your older brother, so you ask your little brother and he goes and does it, and now you're sitting in the kitchen typing out a thing on when your dad laughs at you for crying about your dead dog.

  • Published January 29, 2021, 07:35
  • in The Swamp
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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