@beetle yeah, they're the same person. They made a post about it as well. It also says on their profile. I have a new Scratch account. but I'm not linking it or anything lol
@ChunkyFox omg im so sorry been offline im a she/her and I'm straight I have a question for you I remember your socials said you were on scratch do you by any chance know Rosevii or Calitea or Kibbliy I think there they same person..?
@ChunkyFox oh lol ok do yk any other art wbsite their on i love thir art!?ChunkyFox
@beetle yeah, they're the same person. They made a post about it as well. It also says on their profile. I have a new Scratch account. but I'm not linking it or anything lolbeetle
@ChunkyFox omg im so sorry been offline im a she/her and I'm straight I have a question for you I remember your socials said you were on scratch do you by any chance know Rosevii or Calitea or Kibbliy I think there they same person..?ChunkyFox
@beetle I'm sorry I don't do pronouns, but, I am a female so I'm a she/her. 🤷 (BTW what are your pronouns and sexuality?)beetle
this is so good!! omg, i love it! I had a question what are your pronouns/sexuality??ChunkyFox
@TheBoiRaine hhh thank you ^^ its not done yet, probably finish tomorrowTheBoiRaine
this is so good!! aaaaa