It was their first day, and Nea was already in a sinking ship. Her English teacher this year was probably the worst one out of all of them, not because she was mean but just because of the sheer amount of homework she assigned. Then Nea tripped over some kids leg in the hallways, and dropped her paper in a POOL of ACID coming in to science class. Apparently this new kid was being a klutz, and spilled their whole set of test tubes on the science floor, along with the chemicals inside of them. Her paper disintegrated almost instantly, the chemical whitener coating it causing some kind of reaction in the molecules, turning the green chemical red. The kid sighed, and began to mop up the now red chemical composition. Nea sat down in her seat with a huff, only then realizing she was in Ms. Neon's class again. Nea had been stuck in this class since junior high, science just generally being her worst subject. She sighed, took one of her hair ties out of her skirt pocket and pulled her green hair into a messy bun atop her head. Letting her head rest on her hands, she propped herself up on her elbows and looked at the other two kids at her table. Yami was there, and she almost looked worried. The two of them had been best friends since second grade, and remained close every since. She was quiet, kind, and once you spent time with her alone, she was outgoing and fun to have around. nea was glad to have her friend in this class. The boy next to her was named Simon, though she didn't know much about him. Apparently science was his top class, but then why would he be i the lowest class option? He saw her looking at him, and she glanced away again. Ms. Neon was already beginning to assign work for them, and was motioning for them to get started. Yami took one of the empty test tubes from the center of the table, and walked over to a sink to fill them up. Simon had pulled out a notebook, and was hiding his face behind the crumpled pages. Nea looked at the worksheet that had been placed in front of her, and set about completing the instructions.
Seraphinas sighed, dragging the mop across the laminated stone floor of the science lab. Phin was going to go to the library between classes to pick up a new book to read, but it looked like that wasn't going to happen. The bell had already rang anyways, and Ms. Neon probably wasn't going to write them a late pass. The room was already filled with the clinking of glass vials, and the hiss of acids mixing together. It was almost a calming noise, and Phin quickly fell into the hum of the noise. The sun peeked out from a cloud and shone down through the skylings, making the pools of acid on the ground sparkle in all of their food colored glory. Phin finished mopping up the puddles, and put the mop away. Grabbing their bag, Phin headed out of the door.