Its that time again.

By Virus

Is my mom scared of me? She is listening about a 15 year old murderer and usally she watches that stuff to see if it relates to me or her being a better mum. i dont know if shes catching on to something. I do have those thoughts and they do get out of control sometimes But I dont think that bad! It just makes me feel weird. Plus my sister has been annoying me she makes me have less sleep or way more sleep than needed. I keep getting headaches because of her, sometimes i wish she could just shut up. Shes dramatic too she doesnt get her way she gets real annoying. she was the only family I had but she has changed... I think she found her happiness... Maybe im just jealous that she can be happy so much? As my mom takes my happiness away from me. My brain has started thinking that happiness isnt an emotion but I know it is I cant let that thought in. I dont want to become emotionless like the times I was. Sometimes I wanna talk to the special person who can diagnos me with stuff or if I even have problems. Anyways this is probably it.

  • Published July 07, 2020, 22:36
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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