the royal messenger careened toward me after their eyes passed over the field, "Gabby, you fool, get off the ground and use one of your fancy swords to help me!!"
"Tyler? since when were you a royal messenger?" I ask. he's not very recognizable without his bright yellow rainjacket or their glittery makeup. the red and orange uniform tends to just hide a person's features.
"I needed the money! anyway, heellllppp!!" Tyler throws off the helmet that obscures into uniformity the faces of any royal guards or messengers.
I see Maera pop up with something in her hands but don't pay aer any mind as I get up
"Got it!" I run past him, to attack the Empire's mercenary. this one is in the same greyscale color palette that all of the mercenaries and soldiers are. this one is taaalll and skinny. it walks weirdly, hunched backward somehow. I soon realise why when it lunges forward at me with the speed of a slingshot's ammunition.
I slice my new sword up into it. the new sword slices through the top of the mercenary's head, and black and white orbs fall out, splashing over the sand.
the mercenary flings back upright and takes out a sword. " I don't think so, little miss knight. we will win this war, and crush all of your people. including you "
Then it slams it's arm into me. I start to fall back but then some sort of sound comes from my new swordand a blast of enrgy slams through me and out to the mercenary. it blows through me.
"Wow. this power is no joke," I say.
yo, this is phin popping into to say that i was trying to do something else with the colors and while these are okay colors, this was not what I was going for. I definitely wanted the mercenary's words to be grey.