kindof like this too


A red car gleamed down the highway, standing out among the blacktop and green trees. It headed south, away from the towers of the big city and towards a support system. After a few miles, the car stopped at a tiny reststop. The first thing to notice about the two people who exited was the matching burn scars trailing over their bodies. From the driver’s side came a young man who wore a long brown coat, despite the warm weather, and sturdy boots. He walked to the side of the car and started to charge it. From the other side of the car came a young woman with long braids that were bleached blonde at the ends and a sturdy pair of glasses. She walked into the store. “Hey, I’m goingto get you some food too!” she waves at him. He nods and goes back to checking the gas. She stalks her way into the store and heads towards the back to find a bathroom. Once she does, she comes out and starts grabbing candy and snacks off the shelves, carefully inspecting each and every one of them. As she does this, a loud bang goes off. Her heels click on the floor as she runs to see what it was, expecting the worst. It’s just a shelf that had been pushed over by a rambunctious child. She pushes it back up and shuffles the child to their parent, who give her their thanks. The young woman then buys her food and goes out to find her partner and get going. She doesn’t see him, and feels a rush of panic trail through her heart. The car is still there, though not attached to the gas and she goes to try to see if he’s there. He’s not. She turns and finds that he is coming back from the store. “Sorry. Bathroom,” he signs and she sighs with relief. “That’s okay,” she replies, also signing as she feels her voice will show too much emotion for right now. “Will you drive?” he asks She nods and they both get into the car. The red blurs away as they drive towards their destination.

  • Published February 16, 2022, 14:37
  • in The Swamp
  • in the Historians
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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