Before the mercenary can recover, I shake off the aftershocks of the blast and slice my sword into it. Mercenary starts to dodge the other way but then an arrow flies and slams into its shoulder.
I look back to see Tyler with a shiny new bow in his hands and Maera dissolving back into the water behind him. Tyler waves at me before turning back around and heading towards my house.
I turn back around and rush at the lashes out and my sword slices through its arm, splashing more greyscale beads to the ground, the watery substance mixing with the sand. The mercenary tred to grab me with it's other arm, but I just sliced that off too.
The mercenary started to wind up but I jumped forward, stabbing it in the neck. it collapses and I slice it's head before running back to my house.
Tyler is talking to my Mom and Josy, who are clustered together, Josy tucked under MOm's arm. I can't see their faces, but Tyler looks pained as he talks to them. As I get closer, I hear sobs and both my family members are shaking. Running towards them seems like the best option.
"What's wrong?" I ask
"Gabby, I'm so sorry, but last night the King died," starts Tyler, "which you had probably guessed. But, your father was killed while protecting him. No one who was in the palace is still alive except for a few messengers who got away, like myself."
"What? F-"My knees give out and I curl into myself," tHis can't be real. It has to just be a bad joke,"