I don’t know how you want me to see,
I am deaf to what you say.
I cannot witness how you want me to be.
All i know is that i am me,
and not a perfect sunset by the sea.
Mocking bird, what is it what you expect?
I am all but fifteen and you want to put me in debt.
Why does your gaze hurt me, poisoned by pain.
I shall fly elsewhere into the great blue sky,
So you never have to see me so you cannot whine.
But all i can utter, all i can ask is why?
@Hell_House i feel fearHell_House
@X ... making a new story i s e eHell_House
also i gotta say this was absolutely greatHell_House
i have a childscottishunicorn
*plots evil comeback*PhinSilver
also, forgot to say this, but like, gayskootRus
F- I THOUGHT THEY WERE GONNA KISS >;((((((((((AnonymousTiger
@X it felt like you were screaming through the computerPop
@X yea ;pX
@poppliotube oh lmaoPop
@X lol, this was for all the effort you did for ALL the tribute stuff. xDManiac
This was a pretty great story!PhinSilver
@X hell yaX
@PhinSilver ArchitecturePhinSilver
@X yes. also, is ace basically just a maid, or are they like, doing renovations and architecture stuff??X
@PhinSilver XD surePhinSilver
@X good!! you're a freaking awesome writer!!PhinSilver
no.it was so good!!
@PhinSilver lmao im making a new story right nowPhinSilver
its overPhinSilver
oh my god.X
@poppliotube WTF brandon, this doesent deserve a trophyGh.0.stLee
then why did you not put me in the NOTICEPop
@beb000 no XD u retiredGh.0.stLee
am i ded biachBloopzafosh
@poppliotube @RazzyIsHere @Hell_House @PiNeaple2 @Crisp @PhinSilver @Paranormal_Dumbass @AnonymousTiger5 @BloopZaFosh @FenderBender @HyperSnivy