yes and no questions


school sucks,id prefer homeschooling.
i'm cool with someone who doesn't have the same opinions as me as long as they dont try andforceme to agree to their opinions.
i wanna try alcohol just cause.
something i would change about my body is id get rid of a scar i have.
if anyone saw my search history i would literally die.
i'd kill someone in self defense.
i dont even cry with my family let alone out where there is more people to judge you.
not talking for a long time was fun,tbh i kinda want to be selectively mute.
i've had sleep paralysis multiple times.
i've never been hit on.
i do believe there is something after death whether it be heaven or h*ll or just staying in the living world as a ghost.
i have so many nicknames i cant count them all.
i accept anyone as long as 1)they don't force their opinions on me and 2)they arent a spoiled *sshole.
i want a few tattoos and a few piercings when im older.
i'm pretty uncomfortable with my body.
figuring out my sexuality was somewhat hard but also somewhat easy.
i have no clue if im dominant or submissive.
i'm scared of spiders.
i've lost someone,not because they died(they're alive) but because we ended up just drifting apart,even when i tried to fix our friendship.
i have horrible insomnia and one time i didn't sleep for 5 days.
pajama day at school was the best.
i hate someone and i still do,they were a whiny,spoiled,b*tch who was always an *sshole and allways lied,straight to peoples faces about stuff that people shouldn't lie about.
i genuinely love my friends,my family,and my pets.
i dont think ive been discriminated against but idk.
idk if i've almost died or been in serious danger.
i'm still a preteen so me going on a dating app would be weird,plus i've only gotten my phone recently so i couldn't have used any dating apps.

This animation is a continuation of:
  • Published Published May 18, 2020, 01:15
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in boredom
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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