rant about school


just got the first school reading assignment with a gay character. the first one with a mention that gay people exist was the last book we read, also this year. and that was mostly people just saying the f word. I'm in highschool. apparently, that means a lot of new things, like the realisation that gay people do exist. this comes from a school system that they aren't allowed to talk to 3rd graders about gender identity because it's too mature and nonbinary isn't allowed to be used at all. basically, my school system could do a lot better. I haven't even gotten to how they treat students of color. like sure, yeah, there's a nondiscrimination policy. that doesn't mean anything. teachers still argue with students of color way more. also, if an argument/disagreement does happen, the student is just punished and never actually asked about. if that happens, a student likely needs help. i don't know much about this, being a white student in a class full of mostly white rich students because I'm 'gifted'. really, there was no opportunity given to more students. only a few were pulled out to take the test. so obviously, they already know who's 'gifted'. and really, it offers a forced perspective. the only diversity, at least in the middle schools(it's different now, cause they are kinda learning) was me and a few black kids. and I don't like talking to people. (I'm diverse cause my entire fam's queer)[dad not included, but I'm not related to him anymore, so ha] also, what's with only valueing academic stuff? yeah, sure, i can memorise things for a few months and ace some tests, but have you seen the art students? they're good too!! everyone is freaking gifted. don't inflate egos just to pop others with a knife. trust me, it's not fun. basically, I hate the system, and it needs to change. other systems too, but this is the first. more of them start later in life. basically, get the cops out of the building, invest in some mental health, and stop segregating kids off of so called giftedness. and maybe have some diverse literature before ninth grade.

  • Published October 26, 2020, 18:22
  • in The Swamp
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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