Here's what we got so far:
Name: ...
Age: (16 - 28 pick one)
Gender: Non-binary (They/Them)
Race: ...
Occupation: Assassin mfs
Physical gender: (because it's a thing) Male
Sexual Orientation: lmao gimme someone please I'm lonely
Talents: Killing, cooking, poisons.. basic assassin stuff.
h e l p m e t h a n k s
I’m very intimidatedAnsonlin360
omg so sechxy.Lazylife
what in the name of duwangEn
@Hell_House *piano plays*lk_draws
omg yasEn
@Star_The_Meergon media1.tenor.comStar_The_Meergon
@Killmepls37 media1.tenor.comHell_House
Kono giorno giovanna niwa yume ga aru