In the common room this morning, a group of girls were clustered around a shy Satyr boy, fawning (I apologize for the pun) over his cute manner. He looked like a small boy in the face, I suppose, but it was rather endearing and attractive. I asked him his name later and he said it was Garryn Torrinosce.
Apparently girls think he's "adorable" and "such a sweet boy". They make him sound like a toddler, poor lad. There's another boy popular with the females, whose name is Harry Devenson, and he is rather attractive, but a total muckspire. He was arrogant and a bully. I do not wish to fight him though, since his mana level is seven. That is on the high end, I must say. I haven't gotten my results yet, though. I will read more on the matter, and divulge you tomorrow.
P.S. The pretty brunette, Minnie, she's an Entoliado, a real singer. I've heard rumors that she has a really nice voice but is too shy. I'd like to talk to her about it sometime.
P.P.S There's an imp boy whom I continuously catch staring at me. I do not know his name, but he is rather strange, with a head full of white hair and pointy ears and teeth. But all the while, he is rather charming. I'll talk to him tomorrow. Maybe. He is quite intimidating.
Good evening,
Jeremy Baker.