Golly, homework is quite overwhelming, and i need a break from it. i cannot stare, and write any longer. Just a little break, only thirty minutes. i may have to stay up later, but i need the break to continue to produce quality work, to be able to think properly, to configure my thoughts and handwriting to be sensible. i know i seem childish or other, but i simply cannot do it without feeling as though my work is less than the usual subpar.
i hope i can finish the poster i have to do for geometry, and finish the short response for English, and have it be good enough. i am already scared that a few of them are utter garbage, due to me fumbling not able to find any proper things to bring up or mention. Writing like a fool. scared over the looming Exams coming, and the challenge of having to write one of my first essays. i hope i do not fail miserably, i really hope i pass with a decent score. On both final exams, and the essay.
@XEclipse sorry i thought it was a guy, i will not make this mistake againXEclipse
@WolfHats ***she*** my dudesatansassgremlin
lol he shortt